This page is intended to help the user find answers to frequently asked questions from those experiencing a recent diagnosis with cancer as they relate to working and filing a claim. Q) I have just received a diagnosis of cancer, what do I do now? A) You do not have to try to tackle this alone. We have district reps all over the state that are trained and prepared to help you and your family navigate through what to do for your home and work life. To reach us, please complete the following Request for Assistance. Q) How long do I have to file a claim with Labor and Industries after getting my diagnosis? A) Claims for occupational disease or infection to be valid and compensable must be filed within two years following the date the worker had written notice from a physician or a licensed advanced nurse practitioner. RCW 51.28.055 Q) What is the Presumptive Illness Article?
Page Last Updated: Sep 05, 2024 (15:32:45)